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CSLA (Common Sense Life Approach) - toward Health

The body communicates its likes/dislikes, needs, and what is harmful. Stop, listen, and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you.

Cravings: The human body lets you know when it is lacking something by generating images in your mind of items consumed that causes that type of brain stimuli. For example, some have a craving for pickles, which are high in antioxidants. When the body wants to rid itself of chemicals that damage DNA cells it looks for antioxidants to remove the toxins from the body. One can try to substitute the craving with other high antioxidant foods such as pomegranate or cranberries to see if it satisfies the craving for pickles, which would mean the body is in fact under attack from toxins. If you crave dairy products such as cheese, your body could be requesting some calcium support for the bones and teeth. If there is a craving for dark chocolate, your cholesterol could be high or your body is lacking magnesium. You can google the health benefits of any food item to find out this information or go old school and research it in a public library. Most people are more aware of signs such as fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, sneezing, skin irritation, Now you can add cravings to the list.

Weight Loss: Low Fat, Sugar Free, Pills, Strenuous exercise, Extreme dieting, and Counting calories are all marketing. Unless you have a thyroid issue, you can easily lose weight by stop eating too much food in one sitting, staying active daily, and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Do not eat until your belly is full. Eat whatever you want in small portions throughout the day.This method gives your body time to process what is going in. Drink plenty of water. Water intake flushes out excess fat and supports proper metabolism. Maintaining proper bowel movements speeds up metabolism. Eat foods that promote digestion and removal of waste. Participate in some type of daily physical activity, whether it be exercising, walking, gardening, dancing, sex, cleaning the house. The more daily activities, the quicker the results. Although you can still lose weight while eating junk, the results will be quicker and healthier if you eliminate or at least severely minimize the intake of fast food, soda, sweets, white starchy foods.

Stress: This is the health condition that is often overlooked and can generate a long list of unwanted health issues. Mainly because almost everything and anything triggers it. The body is equipped to handle normal stress. It is usually major life changes (marriage/divorce/death/move), dealing with others (personalities/traffic/work), and lack of rest that the body needs assistance in dealing with. Daily de-stressing is necessary by one or more of the following: Talk about the day, the things that made you happy, angry, sad, etc... to a partner/friend or to your self in a microphone/video/journal. Woo-sah with a workout, favorite music, a glass of wine, a cup of tea without access to technology that produce blue light (ie televisions/computer devices/smartphones) for at least 30 minutes a day. Avoid drama and keep little to no contact with negative people if possible or tuned them out because negativity is contagious and causes a great deal of stress. If you are the negative person, start loving yourself and your surroundings, appreciate life/living and you will have an improved positive outlook which results in good fortune, breaking your spell of "misfortune". Last, get plenty of rest. We all heard the saying, I will sleep when I'm dead. Well you will only be speeding up that meeting with your demise in depriving your body and organs from necessary resetting of bodily functions that take place in your sleep. #commonsense

"It's not rocket science, it's common sense." Stay Healthy!

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