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Yellowvision Emergency Announcement

There is a global social imbalance currently happening that needs correcting. There are several symptoms of this imbalance. The symptom I want to focus on is inner city/suburban youth crime, which has continuously been on the rise since the 1970’s and is currently spiraling out of control across the globe. Major metropolitan cities are getting major coverage; however, this symptom can be seen across the United States and several other countries. I have heard others talk about this symptom and it is often tied to music, guns, and drugs. It is believed that if these musical expressions are removed, that it will result in a decrease in inner city youth crime.

You can take away all the guns, drugs, and music, but still be left with the underlying root causes of the violence, which are lack of hope, self-hate, lack of education, sexual abuse, and poverty. If you eliminate/or address the root causes then you will see a positive change

Yellowvision has the solution and guarantees it success in a short period of time. Naturally a human being will adapt and survive. We as a society need to provide a community infrastructure that promotes/allows positive ways to adapt and survive. If we eliminate/or address the root causes then we will see widespread positive change in these high crime areas. Mass incarceration is not the answer.

We hear you talking Yellowvision. What is this guaranteed plan you speak of and how is it different from all of the other efforts currently and throughout the decades to stop this vicious cycle?

Well, the difference is organization, collaboration, empathy, and spirituality all working together in unison. Throughout the years tons of funding have been thrown at this effort hoping this issue would magically disappear.

If you give people tools and resources, however leave out the instructions on how to properly use them you end up with wasted efforts.

The first step is proper education. I am not talking about standard academics. I am talking about integrating curriculum that educates these groups in investing, taxes, credit, real estate, mortgages, financing, life insurance, health insurance. These are the building blocks to producing productive members of society. This curriculum should start as early as grade school. Then when funding and resources are provided are provided in the future, the people will know their options on what they can do to improve their situations.

The next step is or rather that should be implemented the same time as step one is changing the environment. These areas currently are filled with drugs, gangs, and poverty. We already have a system in place that we know works in cleaning these types of environments up called gentrification. Let’s use a modified new improved version of gentrification that does not displace the current residents. Let’s make it nice and let the people stay, meaning keep the new housing affordable and attainable. I know most of you are shaking heads that this sounds good, however the drugs and gangs are still present. This leads me to the next step.

We have to understand the causes on why the youth believes the need to join gangs and sell/use drugs are necessary and eliminate these causes. We have plenty of inmates that can provide plenty of information on these topics. This will not only give us valuable intel on root causes of gang formation and drug sales/usage to create effective programs to break these causes down. At the same time this lends us an opportunity to align these efforts with prison reform. When these prisoners are released, they will now have a purpose and opportunity aiding society assisting youths in avoiding the same pitfalls they have made. Along with these efforts the youth need to be shown that there is more to the world than just what is going on in their family or community. This is done by taking the youth out of their elements and take them to other cities/countries.

Next step is having religious and community groups along with local police and law makers work together on the same goals instead of separately. At least once a month all of these groups need to get together for community networking celebration fairs. (each community having their own then annual events in convention centers that collaborate multiple communities). This is a time to sync up and give recognition to our youth and future goals to uplift hope and morale.

Next step would be hands on training and incentives, where the kids can learn and make a little money in high school internships that have programs managing franchises, hedge funds, and other management/investment apprentice programs.

Lastly we need to promote and integrate spirituality, I am not talking religion. I am talking about self-awareness, mental health, proper dieting, exercise, and meditation. Healthy body and mind. This will assist with the various forms of abuse and PTSD from traumatic experiences. Coping mechanisms. This should also be integrated in the school system starting at kindergarten.

If you reading this and saying this is too much, then you are apart of the problem. We can make these things start happening immediately. People and corporations will offer funds to see these projects through. It is the humane thing to do.

I wish I could do this all on my own, which I definitely would. We need all of your help to make this reality. With the governments participation we can save our youth and improve the safety and value of our communities in a matter of months. This is a much cheaper and humane method than incarcerating entire communities.

I am far from naïve; I know what will work because I have experienced it on my own. I know this will not resort in some sort of world utopia. There will continue to be violence and crime on earth, however it will no longer be the incredibly high numbers of our youth. We have to protect our future.

You can email your responses or questions to #yyellowvvision


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