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Embrace The Obstacles in Life

Opposition is a must; one element needs the opposite of that element to create balance. A famous example of this philosophy is yin and yang where two opposing entities interact and complement each other. Light and Dark, Optimist and pessimist, “good” and “evil”, sweet and sour, joy and pain, fire and water, etc….

Think of this when you are faced with obstacles in life. Obstacles and your journey are opposites and you need to figure out how to overcome your obstacles without stressing yourself or feeling defeated. You cannot oppose your obstacles; opposition is a permanent fixture. When approached with an obstacle you need to embrace it. Think how you can benefit from this situation either directly or by lessons learned for the next attempt. This will keep you from being your own obstacle.

When I use the term embrace, I am talking about understanding what you are up against. From top to bottom. Pure empathy. Always THINK ABOUT in the viewpoint of the opposition. What would I be thinking or doing if I was on the other end of this spectrum? This better prepares you for what is in store and how to respond. Also, when I talk of embrace, I am talking about allowing the obstacle to exist, working with the obstacle rather than against to reach your next goal.

Like a game of chess, you do not hate your opponent, you respect them for you both have love for the "GAME".

Whether you see the glass half empty or the glass half full, there should be mutual respect for the "GLASS" and the desire to keep something in it.

I know I wrote the words opposition and obstacle multiple times. If you do not retain anything else in this passage, I want you to remember those two terms and the rest will come naturally.

Life can be “BANANAS” some time but keep turning those "LEMONS" into lemonade. ~ #YYELLOWVVISION

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