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Be Careful Of The Term "FREE"!

What exactly is “FREE”? First thing that comes to mind is at no cost. For example, the genius business model some of you may use is, which has hundreds of employees and make hundreds of millions of dollars a year. So, you wonder how do they make so much money by giving away a service/product for “FREE”. In order to get this “FREE” service/product you must first provide an email and a little information about yourself. The company uses your information to advertise third party groups such as lenders, banks, credit card companies, and insurance companies. These third-party groups pay the company that gives you the “FREE” product/service for your information so they can advertise their products directly to you via email/post mail/phone/text. So even though you do not pay any money for this product/service, it’s not really “FREE”. It is more like a trade. You give us your information for solicitation and we will in turn provide you with this service/product. Another example of this is your bank. Some of you have banks that charge you fees for your transactions, some of you have credit unions with no fees. When you put money in a bank/credit union, it does not sit in your account as it appears. Your money is invested into various markets and the bank keeps all the profit. Some banks will offer you some cut of the profit if you leave the funds in long term savings or money market account anywhere from 1-3% a year of your balance. So, the service/products received are not “FREE”, the cost is taken out of the profits from investing your money that the banks may or may not share with you. There is a new service that will pay you your payroll check daily for “FREE” instead of you having to wait until the end of the week or bi-weekly. These companies combine the two business models mentioned above making millions off your money and your information.

Second thing that comes to mind when I think of “FREE” is the absence of something. Such as Sugar-Free, Fat-Free, and Gluten-Free to name a few. Where is the “LIE”? Sugar-Free does not have sugar in it, but it still tastes sweet. Natural sugar is removed and replaced with artificial products that provide sweet flavoring. Your body is not as familiar with these artificial products as it is with natural sugar so this causes longer periods to breakdown foods and or corrupts the sugar breakdown process, which can lead to future health concerns. When something is removed from any of your food, it is often replaced with synthetic/man-made products to substitute to keep the integrity of the product intact. These substitutions are often harmful to the human body because they are foreign to the digestive process.

Third item that comes to mind when I think of “FREE” is without bondage, captivity, or restriction. In this case some things appear to be “FREE”. A living thing can be physically free, but the mind is what and who you really are. So, if your mind is not “FREE”, the physical situation does not matter. Take a good look at your life. Self-reflect for a moment. Have you set yourself “FREE”? Will you?

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