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CSLA (Common Sense Life Approach) - toward Marketing

Simplify your life by listening to your conscience. No, everything is not black and white and most decision-making can become complex, if you let it. There are so many options to choose from in every category from television, eating, shopping, dating, insurance, investing, financing, and banking to name a few major ones that affect our daily lives. All of that marketing is clouding our natural thought processes. For example; while shopping you notice an item that interests you and think to yourself "this is pretty expensive" , you are naturally calculating how the item is going to affect your budget and you will naturally attempt mentally to make adjustments to your budget to make the purchase if you choose to do so. (These thought processes are happening quickly in a matter of seconds). You have seen numerous images of the angel and devil on peoples shoulders. Some people have trouble figuring out which is which especially if under the influence of a substance. Without getting into a religious or moral debate I will tell you that the initial thought is your conscience (the early age mental factual experience or instinct you were born with). All thoughts after the initial are trained or developed and will begin to quickly rationalize the situation using learned knowledge and experience you have obtained while aging. So to summarize, when the encyclopedia salesperson stops by and you immediately say to yourself, while looking at the salesperson smiling face "I do notneed encyclopedias". It is then the salesperson job to convince you otherwise and as soon as you show interest, rush you into an obligation before you change your mind and revert back to your instincts. #commonsense

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