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2P (Perspective and Perception) - toward Gross Domestic Product GDP

For all those who do not know the definition of GDP is a monetary measure of the value (cash) of all final goods and services produced in a time period. GDP is used to measure economic progress and performance of a country or region. Rising GDP = good economy; declining GDP = bad economy. Subjects in economy such as the GDP can explain problems in society, especially in areas where capitalism is high. Did you know that cash generated by illegal means is also included in the GDP. Illegal cash generators such as prostitution, street drug sales, street gun sales, and other jobs paid off the books to name a few, play a part in determining whether the economy is doing good or bad. Crime can increase the GDP, which in turn boost the economy. So is crime all that bad? Does national economy affect national security? Is crime an necessary evil? Should we morally rid the world of crime despite the damage it could do to the economy? If crime ended next year, would the combination of a drop in the GDP and law enforcement/courts/prison job cuts put our economy at such risk that it would put the country or regions national security at risk? So that corner drug dealer, or that prostitute, or mafias just playing their part in the world of economics or are they just menaces to society. Is police presence just to maintain the crime from overflowing out of particular areas? Keep the criminal element under control in a controlled environment to maintain the benefits that come from such "negativity"? I know that it is illegal to solicit prostitution, however at the same time it is legal to hire an "escort" for the evening. I know that in some areas prisons profit from inmate capacity, with legal monetary kickbacks to judges and lawyers. Should this be unconstitutional? Whatever your thoughts are on this article, just know I have not even scratch the surface and I hope you dig a little deeper into economics to open your mind a little more about the world you live in and why things are the way they are. Challenge yourself, ask questions, understand. GDP "You reap, what you sow"...#capitalism

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