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Unicorns Are Real and No Proof is Necessary

Unicorns have to be real. They have pictures, stories, and history. There are people who believe in unicorns because it opens up possibilities while providing hope that there is more to life than whatever has already been ”proven” to exist. The simple view of life from birth to death is not fulfilling enough for most. There needs to be substance, a greater purpose for people to mentally function accordingly. Most people want to matter to someone or something. Some may say if you do not believe in unicorns, then you must be a dark unimaginative person with no purpose. Others may say, while I do not believe in unicorns, I do believe in vampires, werewolves, mermaids, Santa, Tooth fairies, Big Foot, The Lochness monster, Dragons, Greek mythology, horoscopes, magic, Easter bunnies, leprechauns, good luck, Karma, ghosts, demons, aliens, Illuminati, and too many others to mention. Reading the beliefs above, you may believe in one or two or maybe none. If you believe in one or more, you probably think the other beliefs mentioned are absurd and make no sense because you along with your life experiences set the rules for your own mindset. What makes total sense to one individual can be nonsense to others no matter how similar the magical and or faith aspect.

So we all can agree that ones life experiences plays a major role on ones belief system. So it would be safe to say that a person born and raised in a dark room would have different beliefs then a World Traveler? Well absolutely not! It is a possibility that the two will have different beliefs, however they could end up believing in the same things. Though life experience impacts beliefs, it does not dictate them. Are beliefs taught? Not necessarily in a classroom setting but introduced in a social climate such as television, radio, books, spoken word, Internet, and social gatherings. People have a thing for the popular vote. The more people that support a particular belief the more plausible the belief becomes. One billion people believe in this so it must be fact, only a thousand people believe in that other stuff so it is probably bogus. The society you live in sets the tone for what you do or do not believe. Society not only sets the tone, it dictates the plausibility of beliefs by popularity. For an example, if I had one thousand people go on the news, social media, and just start talking about they saw a unicorn, it would become more plausible, especially if I throw in some theatrics and some familiar faces to back up the belief. A Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Streisand, Michael Jordan, Celine Dion, Tom Brady said they saw the unicorn too. It must be true, if all these people saw it then it must be true.

Unicorns must be real. People say they saw them. People say they witnessed the magic of the majestic being. Were all of these thousands of witnesses under the influence of some mind altering substance and came up with the exact same description of the same magical creature? Go back to the above paragraph and read the examples of beliefs. Do you believe in anything? Why do you believe in what you believe in? Do you believe in Unicorns? If you said no, then why not?

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