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I went for a drive to a wedding venue this weekend and there was traffic as usual. I always thought like most people that traffic is caused by too many people on the road, which is just part of the equation. In traffic as in life everyone is constantly moving from one destination to another. Even if you are a non-productive person, the element of “time” will move you from the current second to the next second. Everyone is going from a point A to a point B, and on and on until they reached their final destination. I observed three other factors that disrupt the flow of traffic no matter how many automobiles are on the highway. Number one is driving slower in the left lane. The left lane is for passing cars on the right. This is not my opinion, but a fact; a guideline put in place by department of traffic to alleviate road congestion. Some folks like to not pass the car on the right and ride side by side with right lane traffic. This blocks anyone for trying to get around slower traffic (slower meaning those driving the speed limit). We will call these type of people regulators; they want to ensure that no one exceeds the speed limits or passes everyone else and leave them behind. They could be thinking why is the person driving so fast, why are they so close to my bumper, why are they in such a rush, they are going to cause and accident at those excessive speeds (I’m only guessing these are the reasons for their actions or thoughts that go through their head), they could just be mindlessly driving and not be aware that they are accumulating traffic behind them.

Factor number two that causes traffic is cutting the line. This causes traffic two separate ways. One is when a car gets in front of another at too close of a distance causing the car behind to place their foot on the brakes, which creates a domino effect of braking all the way to the back of the line. This not only causes traffic, this often causes a chain of accidents. The other aspect of this factor is jumping the line of traffic at a merge. This may not seem like much, however all of the automobiles going directly to the front of the zippering effect causes the majority of the traffic to come to an snails’ pace or complete halt. We will call these people the risk-takers or the my-time-is-more-valuable-than-yours-personality types.

Factor number three is the infamous RubberNecking, which is bumper to bumper traffic caused by some sort of distraction that can be viewed from the road. Traffic slows down from a domino effect of drivers slowing down to get a look of what has happened. Usually this is an accident that is on the shoulder of traffic going in the same direction or accident on the opposite side of the highway going in the opposite direction. We will call these people nosey or having a type of Attention Deficit (SQUIRELL!). The more spectacular the distraction, the worse the rubbernecking, the worse the traffic.

Why all this talk of rubbernecking and highway traffic. Well there are a lot of people in this universe. “Time” forces people to move between origin and destination points, whether they choose to participate or not. The flow of traffic or life is filled with these types of people and distractions as you travel on your path. A distraction is everything from entertainment (sports, news, television, radio, social traditions, holidays etc..) to substances (pills, alcohol, smoking etc..) to mention a few. Distractions can be good or bad. That is the balance. The point is to be aware, while keeping focused on the destination. Understand that there are many other types of drivers on the road and in each and every one of their minds they are the perfect driver. #YellowVision.

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