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Don't Bite The Apple Eve!

The power of choice.

Since I was young, I have always been fascinated with wildlife and nature. My idea of outside play was watching ants for hours. Throwing different insects in a spider’s web and watching the outcome was interesting. Placing different bugs in a jar with a praying mantis and observing the hunt, sometimes the battle was intriguing. Watching the effects of fire was exciting. When it rained, I would examine the results of the rain drops and how the accumulation of water changed the environment. I would take in the experience of the different moods of air in a storm or on a windy day. Planting seeds for plants, flowers, and trees and watching them grow, die, and regenerate during each season was always worth the wait. When I was not outdoors, I watched National Geographic and PBS nature shows whenever I had a chance. There is endless knowledge available in wildlife and the elements of nature that I have been able to apply to my life.

While comparing wildlife and nature to human life, I became more curious of both. Humans are said to be the most intelligent creatures on earth; after learning so much from wildlife and nature, I question how level of intelligence is measured. The main difference between Human beings, plants, animals, and nature is said to be power of choice or free will. So, the question I am exploring is just because you are able to do, should you?

Can a lion or a dolphin choose to be Vegan? Can a rabbit or elephant choose to hunt down an animal and eat it? Are animals capable of making such choices and just choose not to? Each animal has a purpose that supports another living function, making our whole existence possible. Do animals think that if they do not do what they instinctively feel compelled to do, that those actions will disrupt the entire design of life of all things? Or are animals not making any choices and are just going through the motions of whatever their job is to support life on earth?

So, if every animal has its purpose in the support of life, what is the purpose of human life? Is earth just a paradise that humans have been placed in just to consume what the wildlife and nature provides? Wildlife are born and created already knowing their purpose, yet humans take almost their entire life to find their purpose. Humans thought process can be so distracted that we forget the answers are all around us. Focus, clear your mind, and get in touch with your natural surroundings.

Don’t bite the apple Eve! Just because you can, should you?

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