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Embracing Unintentional Behavior To Preserve Your Sanity

There is a well-known quote that states “Forgive them father, for they know not what they do”. Regardless of the origin, this statement stands true in most altercations in society today. Most people receive and or believe the ill acts of others are personally targeted in nature. In their mind they think that act was done on purpose to upset them or to bring harm to them specifically. Because of this idea that the behavior was intended the person responds to the unintentional act harshly then becomes angry and stressed. The intentional response given to the unintentional act usually causes escalation of more violent intentional acts. Most of the time people are going about the day not being mindful of their surroundings or people around them because there are so many distractions in an average persons’ life. Financial worries, family concerns, social concerns, current events, work relations, mental illness, abuse, and history to name a few swirling around everyone’s mind.

A person cut you off on the road or in line, gives you the middle finger; you have no idea what that person is going through at that moment. The person in sane mind needs to be the one to defuse the situation by responding accordingly and respectively if at all. Not every action requires a reaction, somethings just need to take its course. Everyone has good days and bad days. When you see someone having a bad day, don’t take it personal. Remember that you have and will continue to have bad days as well, and you would want someone else to respect your bad day just as you respected theirs.

Yes, some folks in this world are doing things intentionally to upset others. Remember stress kills, remain calm and tell yourself that this person or persons are having a bad time in their life right now. You win because you did not allow yourself to become unnecessarily stressed and they lose because you did not respond in a manner they hoped. You also teach others on how to respond when they see others “having a bad time”. It’s all about the WIN WIN, The LOVE, The EMPATHY, The HUMAN RACE. #yyellowvvision

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